What Type of Business Leader Are You?
Knowing what your leadership style is will help you discover ways to market your business and share your voice that are in alignment with your purpose, personality, and values.

Hey there! I'm Jill.
It wasn't that long ago that I was overwhelmed and exhausted, wondering why so many people around me were creating abundance in their business, while I was feeling burnt out and trapped on the hamster wheel of entrepreneurship.
No matter how hard I worked, I never seemed to consistently stay ahead. I grew up in a culture that taught me owning a business is hard work and, if you work hard enough, one day it will all payoff.
But all that time my body was softly telling me there was another way. A way that was more aligned for ME. When I started listening to myself and changing how I thought I had to do things, magic started happening all around me.
I want that for you, too.
I believe it's through sharing our experiences that we encourage other people to see possibilities.
In My Free Quiz You'll Learn
Your Leadership Style
Why is this helpful? Think of it like a love language. You have strengths that will support your success, and leaning into those is highly beneficial for you. Just like a love language, you have certain ways that resonate with you to share your gifts with the world. For some it's social media, for others is 1:1 connection, and so on. When you learn which business leader style you are, you can play to your strengths and use your voice in places that feel natural to you.
Where to Share Your Voice
Your leadership style will help determine where you spend your energy. Despite popular belief, social media is not the only place you can be heard, in fact, it's often harder to be heard when you're fighting through the noise. Each leadership style has several different ways of sharing your voice that compliment your specific way personality.
How to Shift Your Beliefs About Using Social Media
Stop wasting your money buying online courses that promise you 50,000 followers this month. The way social media marketing is being taught works really well if you're an extrovert with a lot of time. This is not everyone. So if you've been doing all the things you've been taught and it's not working for you, I will show you how you can shift your perception of social media to support your goals.